Oviedo Asturias Airport
Oviedo Asturias Airport

Airport Oviedo Asturias (Oviedo Asturias Airport).


Oviedo Asturias airport basic data:

  • Airport Country: Spain Airport Oviedo Asturias (Oviedo Asturias Airport)..
  • The main airport of Asturias (northwest Spain).
  • GMT time zone (summer / winter): + 2 / + 1.
  • Latitude geographical 43.56, longitude geographic -6.03.
  • The geographical location of the airport: on 15 kilometers towards the west from the city of Aviles, in 40 kilometers towards the west from the city of Gijón and 47 kilometers towards the north-west from the city of Oviedo.


Airport Oviedo Asturias (Oviedo Asturias Airport) .1


Oviedo Asturias (Oviedo Asturias Airport). Official website: no.

Airport Oviedo Asturias (Oviedo Asturias Airport) .2


The main airport codes:

  • IATA airport code: OVD.
  • ICAO airport code: LEAS.



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