UAV Wing Loong-II - China
UAV Wing Loong-II - China, characteristics

 Wing Loong-II is an unmanned combat vehicle designed and developed by China's state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). It belongs to the Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) UAV category.

Specifications Wing Loong - II UCAV:

  • Type: medium-altitude, long-range, armed drone
  • Ceiling: 9 900 m
  • Weight: 4200 kg takeoff
  • Speed: 370 km / h
  • Flight time: 32 hours
  • Dimensions: Length: 11,0 m; Wingspan: 20,5 m; Height: 4,1 m

Payload equipment: GPS communication system, electro-optical capsule with day and infrared cameras and sensors, bombs, missiles or air-to-surface missiles.

Operators: China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia

This UAV has a range of 1500 kilometers and a payload capacity of about 400 kilograms. Wing Loong - II is an updated version of Wing Loong - I with more load capacity and endurance.

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