Most of the aircraft cabin space Boeing 747-400 - China Airlines
The latest passenger plane Boeing 747-400 which was released by the Boeing Corporation was placed precisely airline China Airlines in April 2005 years
Aviation company "China Airlines" uses on its flights 13 machines Boeing747-400.Sredi them there are two configurations for 375 (12 / 49 / - / 314) and 397 (14 / - / 64 / 319) passenger seats.
Most of the aircraft are made with 397 seats, so we will consider this particular option. So, the three-class cabin of the Boeing-747-400 (397 seats).
This aircraft model has two decks: lower and upper.
Upper deck
1-3 r.- business class. Modern, good business. Displays 15'4 diagonal inches, comfortable chairs. The distance between the rows - 60 inches (more than 1.5 meters).
5 p. - first row economy. Since a very nice screen serves as a partition between the classes, there will be a lot of free space for the legs. These are places of increased comfort. Economy monitors are 8.9 inches, and the row spacing is approximately 86 centimeters.
9 p. - the last row of economy. Directly behind it is a toilet and a staircase leading to the lower deck. This will cause some discomfort during the flight. Therefore, they are marked in yellow on the diagram.
Lower deck
The lower deck is occupied by a single, tourist class seats on 318. Similar monitors, 8.9 inches, and the distance between seats - 31 inch (78 centimeters).
10, 11, 12 p. K, H, B, A-to them by three, and two seats. They mark them an increase in comfort, since it is always more convenient to two seats, rather than three or four. Among the shortcomings - are located in the nose of the aircraft mount for baby carriages, this risk being surrounded by passengers carrying small children.
19 p. - Are located near the emergency exits, do not recline the seatbacks in this series or this limited.
20-22 p., Places G, E, D - will not be very calm, as they are surrounded on both sides by toilets. during long flights there are plenty of people who want to visit them. As a result, there are unpleasant smells, queues, regular movement of people and the sounds of the tank. The same can be attributed to places L, K, H, C, B, A at 22 p. In addition, the distance to the toilet wall is not very large.
29 p., Do not recline the backrest. They are located near the emergency exits and the chair in the middle rest against the wall of the toilet.
31 p., Place A, B, C- there is additional space for the legs, sometimes very significant. The armrests are placed folding tables. Of the minuses: 31A - the door can be a bit, well located near the 31S staircase.
32-34, places C - proximity to the stairs causes inconvenience.
43,54,70,71 rubles - the chairs do not recline. The reason is named above - escape hatches.
44 and 55 p., - A good place due to increased leg space. But the proximity to the toilets will bring trouble.
67-70 p. again have 2, rather than 4 3 or chair. It's pretty good, especially if you are traveling alone. But, in the last rows. chairs do not recline. In addition, do not add comfort proximity to toilets.