The unprecedented support for those times. Long live the Air Force!
No matter what caused your air travel, but you should always remember that it is a great adventure. You can not take a flight to airlinerAs routine. I remember I was flying from Baku to Rostov, and my neighbor was the youthful woman, at first glance, very sociable, but as soon as she sat down in the chair next to me, it immediately became nervous and hard sigh. It proceeded without interruption, and I had to ask her: "You are flying for the first time on a plane?". "No" - she replied - "I only travel on the aircraft." I also always excited when I fly on airplanes and immediately realized that her mission - a long-awaited extreme for a small fee.
Rostov Airport
Elbrus. Here's another beauty of air travel. I, like everyone else, knew that Elbrus was the highest peak in Europe, but, like everyone else, I could not imagine its scale. And then one day flying up to Mineralnye Vody on a beautiful sunny day, for the first time I did not understand, but felt all the power of this mountain. All the mountains of the Caucasus, in comparison with Elbrus pygmies. He is the father of the Caucasus Mountains. He gave birth to them. And only from the side of the plane you can understand this. Only from the side of an airplane can you assess the scale of our world and compare it with yourself.
I can say that even one of the advantages of air travel that I particularly love - love is not predictable, and further revision of the twists of fate and our absolute truths. Here's an example.
Airport Tashkent.
At the airport in Tashkent, I began to ask a girl like me get to zhirokombinata. Next to her was a companion - a man, who immediately took a curved knife, it seems, it is called Klich, with the clear intention to kill me. The knife was amazingly beautiful, and I immediately offered to sell me the knife. The man immediately calmed down and said with regret that this knife and his grandfather to sell is impossible. So we became friends.
I flew for the first time in Tallinn and my neighbor turned out to Dagestan. He was short in stature but strong and tailored its liveliness reminded mercury. He first watched me, then asked where I was and then innocently asked, "You do not know, the Estonians have patter?" And laughed. I also laughed out of politeness, but later realized the humor of his question. Rasul was a procurement officer and was engaged in the supply of fruit from Dagestan Estonia. In Tallinn, he visited often, and slow Estonians irritated him.
Airport Tallinn Airport
At the airport, Rasul and I immediately bought return tickets, and then I thanked God for that. I had to get to the Pigelman plant. With my new friend, we got on the tram and drove off. In those days, travel was paid with coupons, but in every city there were local coupons. I started to fuss, started looking for money to buy coupons, and Rusal in a loud voice says: "Don't fuss, there are no controllers here." I was embarrassed, "Hush!" - I tell him. And he looked around so triumphantly, and somehow even began to dance, and almost shouted: "Yes, they don't understand Russian!" I look silent. They were overwhelmed, offended, but they do not understand Russian. Here's the deal! So I drove to the factory without a ticket.
Questions at the factory decided on the same day, and the ticket was the day after tomorrow. I tried to live in a hotel, but there it was, took place in Tallinn, the Estonian Communist Party Congress, and all the hotels were occupied. What to do? Went to the airport, imagine my surprise when presenting a ticket, was settled in the airport hotel. The unprecedented support for those times. Long live the Air Force!
Vadim Morozov S.