Russia's tactical nuclear weapons: How many shells and missiles does Russia have with a nuclear component?
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Russia's tactical nuclear weapons: How many shells and missiles does Russia have with a nuclear component?

Russia's tactical nuclear weapons: How many shells and missiles does Russia have with a nuclear component?

Tactical nuclear weapons (TNW) play an important role in Russia's defense strategy. Unlike strategic nuclear weapons, which are intended for global deterrence and can hit targets on other continents, tactical nuclear weapons are intended for use in a theater of military operations. It includes nuclear artillery shells, missiles and aerial bombs that can be used in smaller-scale conflicts to achieve tactical and operational goals. In this article we will look at how many tactical nuclear weapons are in Russia’s arsenal and analyze their role in modern conditions.

Artillery nuclear shells

Nuclear artillery shells are one of the types of tactical nuclear weapons that can be used to destroy enemy troops, fortifications and infrastructure at the tactical level. During Soviet times, several types of such projectiles were developed and put into service, which remain in the arsenal of the Russian army.

One of the well-known types of nuclear artillery shells for 152 mm caliber is 3VB3, also known under the symbol AO-2.5. This projectile was developed in the 1970s and still remains in service with the Russian army.

  • Projectile weight: About 50 kg
  • Nuclear charge power: 2.5 kilotons
  • Firing range: Up to 20 km (depending on the artillery system used)
  • Guidance system: No guidance, ballistic trajectory


The 3VB3 projectile is intended for use with self-propelled artillery systems, such as the 2S19 Msta-S. It has a power of about 2.5 kilotons, which makes it possible to effectively hit troop concentrations, fortified positions and important infrastructure. The high power of the nuclear charge provides a significant radius of destruction and destruction, which makes this projectile an effective means for delivering tactical nuclear strikes.

For larger calibers, such as 203 mm, there are nuclear artillery shells of the 3VB11 (AO-2.5) type. This ammunition is designed for use with heavy artillery systems such as the 2S7 Pion. Let's consider the main characteristics and capabilities of this projectile.

  • Projectile weight: About 110 kg
  • Nuclear charge power: 2.5 kilotons
  • Firing range: Up to 37.5 km (depending on the artillery system used)
  • Guidance system: No guidance, ballistic trajectory


The 3VB11 projectile is designed to destroy large concentrations of troops, fortifications and enemy infrastructure. Due to its longer firing range compared to 152 mm projectiles, this ammunition can be used to strike more distant targets. High charge power and a large radius of destruction ensure significant destruction and losses to the enemy.

The exact stock of nuclear artillery shells in the Russian arsenal has not been disclosed, but experts estimate that Russia may possess several hundred such shells. They are stored at special facilities and can be used, if necessary, to launch tactical nuclear strikes against key enemy targets.

Tactical nuclear missiles

Tactical nuclear missiles are an important component of Russian tactical nuclear weapons. They have greater range and accuracy than artillery shells and can hit targets at a considerable distance from the front line. Russia has various types of such missiles in its arsenal, which can be launched from land, air and sea platforms.

One of the most famous tactical missiles is the Iskander-M complex. This operational-tactical missile system was put into service in 2006 and is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead with a yield of up to 50 kilotons. The Iskander-M has a range of up to 500 kilometers and high accuracy, making it an effective weapon for hitting important military targets such as command posts, ammunition depots and airfields.

We should not forget about such tactical missiles as “Dagger” and “Zircon”, which can be equipped with tactical nuclear warheads. However, due to the secrecy of these projects, there is no information about them.

In addition, nuclear guided missiles such as the Kh-15 and Kh-55 are in service, which can be launched from bombers and have a range of up to several thousand kilometers. These missiles are highly accurate and can be used to destroy enemy strategic targets.

The exact stock of tactical nuclear missiles in Russia's arsenal is also not disclosed. However, according to experts, Russia may have several hundred such missiles, which can be quickly deployed and used if necessary.

Air bombs with nuclear warheads

Air bombs with nuclear warheads are another important element of Russian tactical nuclear weapons. These munitions can be used by tactical and strategic aircraft to strike important targets in the theater of operations. Russian aviation is armed with various types of nuclear bombs, which can be used to destroy a wide range of targets.

One of the most famous nuclear bombs is the FAB-5000 free-fall bomb. This bomb has a yield of up to 50 kilotons and can be used by strategic bombers such as the Tu-95MS and Tu-160. For tactical aircraft, such as the Su-34 and Su-24M, there are less powerful aerial bombs that can be used to carry out precision strikes on tactical targets.

The exact stock of nuclear bombs and missiles in Russia's arsenal is also not disclosed. According to experts, Russia may have several hundred such ammunition, which can be quickly used to achieve tactical and strategic goals.

The role of tactical nuclear weapons in modern Russian strategy

Tactical nuclear weapons play an important role in Russia's modern defense strategy. It is designed to deter potential aggressors and ensure national security. Unlike strategic nuclear weapons, tactical nuclear weapons can be used in local conflicts and operations to achieve specific military goals.

One of the key tasks of tactical nuclear weapons is to create a threat of nuclear strikes on important military targets of the enemy, which forces him to reconsider his plans and actions. This allows Russia to deter aggression and prevent the escalation of the conflict. In addition, tactical nuclear weapons can be used to compensate for the enemy’s numerical superiority in conventional weapons, which increases the combat capabilities of the Russian army.

TNW also plays an important role in operational and strategic planning. In modern military conflicts, where high-precision weapons and electronic warfare are used, the use of tactical nuclear weapons can become a decisive factor for achieving success on the battlefield. The high accuracy and power of nuclear weapons makes it possible to strike critical targets, which can significantly affect the course and outcome of military operations.
