Go to fight some "old" (1973)
The film's actions unfold during the Second World War, when military actions are taking place on the territory of Ukraine. At this time the second squadron produces the combat sortie. After the attack, all the pilots return to the base, however, there is no captain Titarenko, who was shot down behind the front line. The infantry contributed to the rescue, which at that time led an active attack of the enemy. The next day, newcomers arrive in the regiment, which are immediately distributed to squadrons. Lieutenant Aleksandrov and two of his comrades: Shchedronov and Sandulayev ask about getting into the second squadron. However, for this they need to have musical talents, because that's what the second squadron is known for, that its own orchestra has, where Captain Titarenko is the conductor. Shchedronov is not lost and sings the well-known "Dark-skin" from what he is called.
After that, already learned pilots, called “old men,” go into battle, leaving the newbies at the base, because they still need to gain experience in flights and military affairs. When the "old men" come back, everyone notices that Titarenko is angry at Skvortsov, the senior lieutenant, who is not the first time to leave the battlefield without an order. However, it soon turns out that he was simply afraid of a fight because of a frontal attack near Kursk, where he was shot down. The lieutenant submits a report on how to give it to the tribunal, but the "Maestro", as the captain was called, burns the paper.
If everything is quiet in the air, the second squadron takes up playing the musical instruments, and even Aleksandrov, who does not really like music, to put it mildly, takes up the tambourine and after a while becomes the rehearsal supervisor. And now, at last, newcomers began to fly, but not all of them immediately started to work out. For example, Alexandrov generally broke the plane when landing, however, despite this, he went quietly to catch grasshoppers. "Maestro" is angry and removes the "Grasshopper" from flying. Soon after that, Titarenko flies for reconnaissance, and at that time a biplane U-2 sits on the airfield, the pilots of which are pretty girls: Zoya and Masha.
Incidentally, the latter is immediately fall in love with Sagdullaeva who gets the nickname "Romeo." Because of their love, they do not even notice the appearance of the German "Messerschmitt", which bombed an airfield, but was never able to injure soldiers. Titarenko returns from exploration and confirms the words of partisans. Before you fly into battle, he again sent for re-exploration, where he shot down, mistaken for Germans. When the "Maestro" is returned to the regiment, he finds that "Darkie" died.
After the entry of Captain in the CPSU (b), he gets party job: to show how you can shoot down aces Goering. Titarenko is to fight the Germans, and the slave takes Skvortsova, which falsely informs refusal weapons on the plane. To save a friend, Skvortsov fight your fear and knocks German tambourine. In the evening, the Germans raid on the airfield and to save the regiment, "Grasshopper" without the authorization of the aircraft takes Titarenko and wins the battle with the enemy.
However, in spite of everything, and "Romeo" does not lose time, and requests the hand and heart of Mary. After a while, go to fight some "old", but already watered the young staff, "Romeo" and "Grasshopper". During the battle seriously wounded "Romeo", and he soon died. When they decide to report it to Masha, they know that they were killed Zoe. Makarych and "Maestro" sit down at the graves of women and promised after the war to come to sing "Darkie".