The consequences of the crash


20 years ago, there was the world's largest crash

The world remembered the victims of the world's largest accident.

The tragic plane crash that took place in November 12 1996 years in India, claimed the lives of 349 people became the largest catastrophe in the number of human casualties in the history of aviation. According to the official investigation conducted, the plane «Kazakhstan Airlines» Kazakh airline, due to an error of the crew members collided in the airspace of India «Saudi Arabian Airlines» passenger liner companies.

Despite the fact that at the time of arrival of rescuers at the crash site four survivors, save lives were found failed due to lack of skilled care, which was also mentioned in the reports of the investigation.

It is necessary to clarify that it is the largest avikatastrofa air. According to the number of victims it is considered to be the worst disaster in the airport Ros Rodeos in the Canary Islands. Then, we faced two samoelta runway. Killed more than 500 people.

Sorry, but the largest in the history of the crash was a clash of two 747 Tenerife airport. Killed 584 man, if I'm not mistaken

