Apti Alaudinov, commander of the Chechen special forces unit "Akhmat", published on his Telegram channel an explanation about the conflict that took place on September 3 in Anapa near the cafe "Klim". The incident involved two residents of Chechnya - Zelimkhan Z. and Ruslan, as well as several visitors who, according to Alaudinov, provoked the conflict.
According to his version, the fight began after the men tried to get acquainted with one of the girls, who, having refused, began to swear and insult them on ethnic grounds. The girl allegedly said that if her boyfriend, who was on a special military operation, had been nearby, he would have "put you, Chechens, down here." To this, Zelimkhan responded with a question:
“Where have you seen Chechens running away from such words?”
In response, the girl, according to Alaudinov’s version, said that she saw “on TikTok” how “your troops are running from the Ukrainian Armed Forces,” adding that Chechens at the front are “being stacked in piles.”
Alaudinov expressed confidence that the conflict was provoked solely by insults and national statements, noting that his compatriots would not have entered into a squabble without reason.
However, this version has caused conflicting reactions on social networks. Some users have expressed doubts about the veracity of these explanations, surprised that a “diligent family man” decided to strike up an acquaintance on the street. Moreover, no evidence of insulting residents of Chechnya was found.