Airline Cathay Pacific


Airliner "Cathay Pacific" urgently landed in the Aleutian Islands

The passenger airliner, following the route Hong Kong-Los Angeles, immediately boarded the Aleutian Islands.

The reason for the emergency landing was smoke on board, while passengers themselves noted that at least half an hour had elapsed since the smoke was detected before the landing, which could have serious consequences. Nevertheless, according to the information received by the information resource, as a result of the emergency situation, it was possible to do without the injured, although the reasons for the smoking of the cabin of the passenger airliner Boeing 777Owned airline "Cathay Pacific"Are currently unknown.

On board the passenger plane was 294 man (276 passengers and 18 crew members - ed.), While the main considered version is the overheating of electrical wiring, although it was not possible to detect the place of overheating at the moment.

According to some information, the Hong Kong airline has provided its passengers with a backup aircraft.


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