Bomber B-52


B-52 bombers put on alert

The US authorities are transferring strategic bombers B-52 to combat readiness.

According to the information and news resource, the US authorities decided to transfer B-52 strategic bombers to the 24-hour alert mode in the near future, which was not done for 26 years. With what exactly this approach is connected, the US military command still prefers not to comment, however, it is obvious that the aircraft will be called upon to strike at the DPRK.

On the other hand, experts have repeatedly pointed to the fact that American strategic bombers are morally obsolete combat vehicles, in particular, the newest aircraft of this model has already turned 54 year, in connection with which there are doubts about the effectiveness of their application in real combat.

Attention: what kind of B52 does Russian Bear have if they do not come back to us ...



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