Ufa Airport


The frequency of flights between Ufa and Kazan will not change

Passenger planes between Ufa and Kazan will fly daily.

As the information portal Avia.pro, currently Ufa airport goes to the autumn-winter schedule, however, on the basis of statements made by the press service of the air port, passenger aircraft will continue to operate between Ufa and Kazan with a frequency of once a day, which actually It will not change the current schedule.

According to experts, the preservation of the existing schedule due mainly to the presence of a large passenger flow at the current in routing, thus, airport workers Ufa believe that the likely reduction in passenger traffic in the current direction, and will take place, but it is expected that the reduction in demand will not exceed 10%.

Among other things, daily passenger flights will continue to Moscow - flights on this air direction are also popular among the citizens of the country.


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