Start of a rocket


The range of US hated 9М729 rocket can be increased 3-4 times

Upgraded rocket 9М729 can fly from Moscow to Paris.

The US withdrawal from the Treaty on the Elimination of Medium and Small-Range Missiles may lead to the modernization of the Russian 9М729 rocket. According to analysts, in a relatively short period and at minimal cost, the Russian rocket will undergo modernization and will be able to hit targets at distances up to 1500-2000 kilometers, instead of existing 450-480 kilometers.

“Russia strictly observes the Treaty on the Elimination of Medium and Short-Range Missiles, but the exit of the United States from this agreement will result in Russian missiles being modernized, and instead of the same forbidden 500 kilometers, they will be able to fly up to 1,5 - 2 thousand kilometers, easily reaching almost any European capital. US exit from the INF Treaty is not a problem for Russia, but for Europe. ”, - stressed the specialist

It should be clarified that the United States earlier supplied Russia with a 60-day ultimatum, according to which Russia either completely removes missiles violating the INF Treaty, ceases the development of these weapons and modernizes missiles so that they comply with the provisions of the Treaty, or Washington withdraws from the INF.

Do you write Cyril from the Push of a Point under Muhosransky?

wise kartohe tweeted! By smell from the toilet Belarusian distinguish? smell further ...

And then you yourself will offend that the states in Europe place their missiles. The common people spit on your rockets, you make them normal, they have nothing to eat ... The largest country on the planet buys potatoes in Belarus ... What progress has been made, more precisely, regress ...

If so ... You do it first, otherwise the whole story is built in our words. You look would be smart, so would have lived well ...



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