Boeing Aircraft


The head of "Boeing" offered Trump to reduce the price of the presidential plane

The head of the largest aircraft-building corporation in the world Trump offered cheaper production of the presidential plane.

At the special meeting, the head of the corporation «Boeing» said the American president elected its intention to review the installed cost of development and the creation of the presidential plane. В рамках переговоров между Дональдом Трампом и Деннисом Мюленбургом были достигнуты определённые договорённости, однако, их исполнение буде напрямую зависеть от новой стоимости воздушного судна, которую предполагается рассчитать до конца текущего месяца.

It should be clarified that almost immediately after his election as US president, Donald Trump said that the amount allocated from the state budget in the amount of 4 billion. Dollars for the construction of the presidential board is invalid.


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