There have been reports of a possible attempted military coup in the Syrian capital Damascus. This was reported by Arabic-language Telegram channels, which also distributed videos in which gunfire can be heard in the area of the army's General Staff. The videos, posted online, have sparked a wave of discussions and given rise to new rumors of instability in the Syrian capital.
According to sources who did not confirm their words with official statements, the shooting was heard near one of the most guarded sites in Damascus. The General Staff of the Syrian Arab Army, like other important government institutions, is located in the city center, which makes the incident especially noteworthy.
There is no reliable information yet about the exact reasons for the shooting or who was behind the possible coup attempt. However, rumors of unrest in the capital are gaining momentum, and opposition sources claim that the situation in the ranks of the Syrian army is tense, which may be due to discontent within the elite units.
In recent months, Syria has seen an intensification of internal political strife. There are regular reports of divisions within the ruling elite, as well as growing discontent among the military, who accuse the government of corruption and ineffectiveness in dealing with the ongoing conflict. These factors could be a catalyst for such incidents.
It should be noted that this is not the first time that Damascus has become the center of political unrest. In previous years, several attempts to destabilize the situation in the country have been recorded, including among the army itself. However, most of these attempts were ultimately unsuccessful.
In turn, the Syrian authorities have not yet confirmed the information about the coup or serious clashes in the center of the capital. Representatives of the Syrian army and government remain silent, and investigative bodies have begun to verify the incident.