
Israeli missile over Syria shot down by an unknown long-range electronic warfare

An Israeli missile was "shot down" by an unknown long-range electronic warfare.

Against the background of the emergence of information about the capture by Russia, and according to Iran, of the Israeli anti-missile defense system "David's Sling", experts were able to establish that in fact, the cause of the fall of the missile in Syria was not at all a technical malfunction, as the Israeli media positioned, but targeted impact on a missile of an unknown long-range electronic warfare system.

July 22, 2018

As can be seen in the satellite images presented, on the night of July 23 of 2018, from the territory of Syria to the Golan Heights (the Syrian territory occupied by Israel - approx.ed.), Where Israeli missile defense systems were located, a targeted radioelectronic effect was created, presumably , electronic warfare system of an unknown sample. Something similar was observed for almost a day, although before that, the impact was not so strong.

July 23, 2018

Experts believe that it was precisely due to the impact of the electronic warfare system that the Israeli missile defense was not only unable to hit the target, but also fell to the ground without self-destruction, although the failure of this function is considered extremely unlikely.

“It is possible that this was a deliberate work to capture the Israeli missile defense, especially since launching the Tochka missiles would still not give any advantage to the Syrian army. The only question is whether the electronic components of the Israeli anti-missile system were damaged. ”, - concluded the analyst.

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