Military Bomber


Chinese military aircraft scared the crew of an American destroyer

Chinese fighters and bombers scared the US military.

As follows from the information provided in the Chinese media, the day before the day, a US military destroyer of the US Navy approached the territorial waters of China, believing that the Sisha islands are controversial, while the authorities of the PRC already refer them to their territory. Despite the warning received, the American ship continued to move towards the islands, which meant that fighter jets and bombers flew in close proximity to the destroyer, intercepting, thereby provoking panic among the US military.

The Chinese authorities described the actions of the American warship as a political provocation capable of leading to a military conflict.

So he is himself. What is surprising then? They have almost all military equipment and weapons similar to our prototypes. And some of their specimens are already superior to their "progenitors"

Ah ... Then in the Black Sea after flying around our fighter ...
Now the Chinese in sight will have to deck decks from the obdurate warriors ... Now they will gain experience and will take extra pairs of three tons of toilet paper.

Something in the photo really much like our TU-16



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