Blagoveshchensk Airport


Fly from Blagoveshchensk to Moscow was twice as expensive

The cost of air tickets from Blagoveshchensk to Moscow has increased more than 2 times.

If until recently it was possible to fly from Blagoveshchensk to Moscow for only 14-16 thousand rubles, today the price has increased sharply, in particular, given the proposals presented on our information resource, it is possible to fly from Blagoveshchensk to Moscow from 37 thousand rubles, and this is only for passengers choosing an economy class of flight.

What is connected with the rise in prices for air tickets is still unknown, but experts attribute this mainly to the increased demand among passengers, but in general, there is no real motive for increasing the price for flights, which may require investigation by the FAS .

And it is connected with the fact that neither our government nor our officials can get drunk! Well, it's not necessary to talk about private traders.

Greed, corruption and impunity!



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