traffic management rules at airports


Ministry of Transport: transport management rules at airports will be changed

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation intends to change the rules for managing transport at airports.

The decision on introduction of changes and amendments were made after the tragedy at the airport Vnukovowhen the plane collided with a snowplow during acceleration along the runway, as a result of which 4 people died.

According to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, special regulations will be introduced to techniques, moving on the airport, and is expected to reduce this risk and the probability of collision with the ground equipment for air travel. The instruction itself already exists, but it needs to be supplemented, as from the date of its publication has already 9 years ago.

The essence of the new additions will mainly be to minimize the interaction of land transport, air, with now be guided not only by the general instructions, but also to assess the situation on their own.


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