Newfangled phenomenon of "Selfie" now in aviation


Newfangled phenomenon of "Selfie" now in aviation

A fashionable tendency to make "Selfie" got to the aviation industry. So, the pilot of a combat aircraft F-16 photographed himself when launching the AIM missile - 9 L / M.

Western pilots this trend can be traced during the last 5 years. In social networks there are thousands of photos taken by pilots in the cockpit. In England there were clubs "Avia-Selphi", where the pilots share their impressions and pictures.

However, to shoot himself during rocket launch fails is not very many.

Thus, this event causes the pilot to think about a good picture than a focus on the performance of combat missions, and what will bring this idea - time will tell.

"Selfy" or "self" - a picture of yourself, which was made personally to the mobile device or on a photo-video camera.
