Aeroflot Airline


Aeroflot pilot violated the air traffic controller's ban and landed in Saratov

The commander of the airliner of the company Aeroflot, despite the air traffic controller's prohibition to land, landed at Saratov Airport in conditions of critically low visibility.

On board the passenger airliner of the air carrier Aeroflot was 71 people, without taking into account the number of crew members, while none of them was injured. The commander of the aircraft from Moscow was unable to give a clear explanation of why, contrary to the prohibition of the air traffic controller of the Saratov airport, he decided to land, thereby endangering dozens of human lives.

Experts do not exclude that in fact occurred Rosaviation may initiate an investigation, however, this information is currently still unknown.

The dispatcher can only recommend and the decision is made by the KBC

The dispatcher has no right to prohibit landing due to low visibility, in turn, the FAC has the right to land, provided that the VWR clearly observes the lane.

Do not write nonsense. Air traffic controllers do not have a ban on weather. Only information. The decision is made by the captain of the aircraft on the basis of an analysis of the weather and the operational minimum, which only he knows.
Illiteracy of journalists got it.
Or completely stupid manager who forbade the landing.

Can not prohibit the dispatcher from landing the aircraft with the weather below the minimum, only information to the crew, the decision is made by the KBC



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