

The train-plane turned the notion of civil aviation of the future

A unique aircraft capable of moving along the rails was introduced in France.

The French company Akka Technologies has presented a conceptual version of the train-plane, demonstrating to the whole world an unconventional approach to civil aviation of the future. As follows from the information provided, the unique aircraft consists of two parts - an airplane and a capsule, which can be moved along rails and participate in railway traffic, which provides an opportunity to reduce the airport areas and position them far beyond large cities.

“The cabin capsule is a unique car that can be transported on a railway platform, that is, participate in railway traffic. After landing at the airport, this capsule is installed on the railway platform and can then be sent by rail to almost any destination. ", - experts note.

On the other hand, in such an approach there can be a lot of "pitfalls", in particular, when moving by rail, strong vibrations inevitably arise, which can damage the capsule, and the subsequent flight can result in a tragic catastrophe. The problem could well be solved by moving to a magnetic cushion, but this would seriously complicate the implementation of the project.

As for the aircraft itself, according to experts, it is unlikely to exceed the dimensions of the passenger airliner Airbus A320.


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