Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin


Putin surprised the world with a statement on the creation of the EU army

Vladimir Putin surprised the world with a statement on the creation of a single army of the European Union.

The issue of creating a single army in the EU has been actively discussed in recent weeks. Due to this, first and foremost, the need for the EU to ensure complete independence from the United States, especially given the fact that relations between the EU and the United States have seriously cooled lately. Against this background, the question of creating a single army in the EU was also asked to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who struck with his rather unusual answer on this matter.

In an interview with RT France, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin said that he sees no problems in the creation of a unified army by the European Union, especially since this contributes to a multipolar world.

“It is quite natural that they want to be independent, self-sufficient, sovereign in the sphere of defense and security”, - said Vladimir Putin.

Earlier in the media of France, Germany and the UK there were reports that creating a single army, the European Union can put serious pressure on Russia, however, a similar approach on the side of the European Union, according to the Russian president, can only significantly simplify relations between the two sides.

if he is a dwarf, then who is Poroshenko?

Do not envy. You have the main one - an alcoholic, the head is happy with a psycho with a certificate, the police chief is a blue thief in every sense, the mayor of the capital is a weak-minded boxer. Just on these rogues stigma put no where

The dwarf only mouth interviews. It is not interesting to anyone, even the Russians

It is better to know the history and Germany.

Will fall apart

The European Union will soon collapse and will not need to create anything, now they will get rid of Italy, which is deeply in debt



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