Drunken troublemakers were not allowed to board the plane at the airport in Chita


Drunken troublemakers were not allowed to board the plane at the airport in Chita

10 January 2014. The passenger who was going to fly to Vietnam from Chita got drunk at the airport and arranged a rowdy, starting loudly screaming and swearing. A man businessman flew to rest, but, not waiting for the arrival at the destination, decided to celebrate the vacation in the airport waiting room. He also began to fight with people, as a result of breaking glass in the police station, located at the airport.

The private businessman and his wife went through border control and customs control. In a duty free shop he bought alcohol and began to celebrate. All this time the wife, according to people, asked him not to drink alcohol.

The airline employees decided not to let a man on board the plane. The man was sent to the police to draw up a report and pay a fine.


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