Russia has imposed a ban on the import of tangerines from Abkhazia
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Photo: Telegram


Russia has imposed a ban on the import of tangerines from Abkhazia

The Russian Federation has banned the import of tangerines from Abkhazia, citing sanitary requirements, said Acting Prime Minister of Abkhazia Valery Bganba. According to him, the ban was introduced following inspections conducted by Russian sanitary services, but the details of the violation of quality or safety standards have not yet been specified.

“Yes, the Russian side has banned the import of tangerines from Abkhazia, citing a decision by the sanitary services,” Bganba said.

This decision came as an unexpected blow to Abkhaz producers, for whom the Russian market has traditionally been the main export destination for agricultural products, including citrus fruits.

Tangerines make up a significant part of Abkhazia's economy, especially in winter when demand for citrus fruits peaks. A ban at the height of the season could cause serious damage to local farmers and exporters who rely on the Russian market for their produce.


