Bomber B-1 Lancer


The US and France accuse each other of attacking Syria

The bombing of Syria has quarreled with the United States and France.

Missiles and bombing of Syria have pitted the United States and France. According to the Chinese online publication East Day, US President Donald Trump said he was very sorry that the launch of missile and air strikes on Syrian territory created a lot of disagreements with Russia. In fact, as the resource "East Day" reports, Trump blames France for the escalation of the conflict in Syria, since it was Emmanuel Macron who declared the need to attack this Arab state.

French President Emmanuel Macron, in turn, accused the United States of the low effectiveness of the missile strike, since most of the missiles produced by airplanes and US ships were either destroyed, or did not reach its goals.

“Such reproaches towards each other can have the most negative impact on the partnership between the United States and Europe, since Trump wants to cooperate with Russia, while Europe insists on limiting relations with this country. Nevertheless, it is possible that Trump just wants to justify himself in striking the SAR, but at the same time does not want to demonstrate his weakness. ", - the analyst concludes.

Most of the objects that were supposed to be destroyed by the American strategic bombers B-1 Lancer were not damaged at all, which clearly indicates the fact that the American Air Force does not have superiority over the Russian Aerospace Forces, although the Pentagon does not officially want to admit this.

On the other hand, it is important to take into account that France, which declared its readiness to destroy the forces of Bashar Assad, sent to Syria only four of its aircraft, which did not dare to violate the protected airspace of the Arab Republic.

These two small countries, the United Kingdom and France have no resources of their own and do not have. Their pockets are inflated only from the former colonies, and they want to live well, and they roll their lips to Syria. We ourselves are weak, here amerikosov and substitute for world criticism.

Let them blame each other at least how much, but all will answer!
The initiator of a crime, like an accomplice, share responsibility equally. Whoever was the initiator and accomplice, let them prepare to answer all together!

Macron thought of himself as Napoleon, he just forgot how Napoleon fled Russia

:)) And they have "smart" rockets and they themselves are "geniuses" .. :)))

Trump and Macron are immoral political freaks. What do you want from them ?!

If the US were able to agree with Russia, they would not have to keep a bunch of freeloaders.

And even in front of all ... just like the Japanese intelligence ... those external surveillance are not hiding, but rather showing control. Playing on the nerves including

Two moral monsters, how can you bomb another state because of unproven charges! The mind is not comprehensible! Ugly freaks

The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury, it is not in vain that Trump referred to Macron, who brandished "irrefutable evidence," he will now begin to drown the "Clintonoids" around the world.

Macron is poured through the "chemical attack" in Duma, May through the "chemical attack" in Salisbury ...
Oh, Braxit !! Marvelous are your deeds!

The missiles were just so clever that they refused to explode.

There is nothing to congratulate Eustace.
He is in a panic from a new assignment. Now Alex needed an aircraft carrier.

What kind of resource is East Day? I looked for something and found nothing. Interestingly you check the information of course

In fact, the forces that really destroy IGIL are bombed. And this is done by the leaders of the United States, Britain and France, whose peoples have suffered from terrorists.

And de Gaulle, what, what's special? the same bitch and coward!
As soon as Ilyich brought him to the training camp and he poured it into his pants, he rushed from NATO like devil from incense! All his merit, I think, is that he still urged the Allies not to regard the French as colobors helping Adik, and he repaid them for this when he threw NATO !!!

In fact, the gut was thin and the US and Europe! Did you want to compete with Russia? GO RUSSIA!!!!!!

How could Eustace pass a couple of smart missiles to Alex ??? Only in this way, without causing suspicion in Congress. Than to scold Eustace, it is better to congratulate him with the assignment of a new title and government award.

What can you say and how can these hypocrites be believed? All these dirty political games after their failure. Even their smart missiles were smarter than themselves and did not explode, but simply fell to be picked up by their enemy and handed over to their ally for further analysis their armaments. That's why it squeals like a pig. No friendship and speech can not be.

Moses 40 years chose a place where there is no OIL. Now Hasicki is trying to correct his choice.

Trump's behavior, the behavior of a "huckster"! Magic tricks! From the DPRK, the performance, imposed Patriot missiles on South Korea and Japan for a large sum! With Saudi Arabia! Everywhere he has money! And this is the main thing, this is the meaning of his life. inside and out!

Yes, Trump did not want to get along with Russia ever! The usual Anglo-Saxon trick, behind which is a cold calculation and cunning. It sends crocodiles tears.

If only we had a bite of each other

Pink Floyd leader Roger Waters said there was no chemical attack.
We believe without a doubt!
The Spanish dispatcher, some blogger, a rock singer who is periodically treated for drug addiction, Hollywood director O. Stone, Deperdyou, retired boxers, Stephen Sigle are our main witnesses!
And expert international organizations do not believe us!
Ah, well, yes! They are all bought by the USA!

Only the idiot does not see who benefits from what is happening in the Middle East: the destruction of Iraq, Libya, Syria ... The Jewish world behind the scenes destroys Israel's enemies. Next are Iran and Turkey. If they cannot be destroyed, then Israel is a kirdyk. Perhaps Erdogan is getting his sight, because he cannot but see how Turkey's enemies are being armed with the Kurds. Israel and the US have created ISIS, the "opposition." But both the ISIS and the opposition are also a force that, after their destruction of Syria, must be destroyed by the Russian Federation. The desert around the Promised Land is the perfect solution to the problem.


Europe does not do anything by itself. This is an order from the Politburo of the United States - to begin a dialogue with Russia. Trump also said that you need to start talking with Russia. And the Americans, on the other hand, can not take the first step: do not descend so much! So the FAS told the hangers-on.

This is the result of when the "MACARON" country comes to visit - a disciple living with a teacher !!! The previous one rode a scooter !!! This is not Charles de Gaulle !!! The result of the sexual revolution on the face !!!



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