Launch of the C-400 missile


Turkey showed how Russian S-400 "shoots down" an American plane

Turkey showed how Russian C-400 shoot down an American plane.

Against the background of deliveries of Russian anti-aircraft missile systems S-400 "Triumph" to Turkey, the Turkish side published an interesting infographic, which depicts not only the main targets that can be hit by the latest Russian complexes, but also the destruction of the American military aircraft electronic warfare EF-111 Raven ...

Despite the fact. that the EF-111 Raven was chosen as the target, today this machine has been removed from service with the US Air Force, and, moreover, almost 30 years ago, however, the very fact that a non-neutral silhouette of the aircraft was chosen makes one think about it whether the Russian S-400 political relations between the USA and Turkey will worsen.

Experts note that the infographic presented only military aircraft that are in service with the member countries of the North Atlantic Alliance, and to a greater extent this applies to the United States.

It should be clarified that despite the fact that it became known about deliveries of Russian C-400 to Turkey in the morning, there was no official reaction from the United States on this subject yet, while earlier it was reported that Washington still refuses impose sanctions on Ankara.

Now the Turks get rid of the orthodox world with might and main under the threat. The Greek Cypriots Bulgarians. Where Russia leads the GDP. Russians will soon be shortened.


Who showed where the video?

In the lackeys of TURKEY, the shaitan will not walk! It will be possible to talk about Su-57 with TURKEY !!!

God forbid

