In Korenevsk, the Kurds attacked the Russians


In Korenevsk, the Kurds attacked the Russians

Residents of Korenovsk took to the march, demanding fair punishment for a group of migrants who beat up a local guy. The event caused a wide resonance in society, since the injured young man was a victim of aggressive behavior.

The incident occurred late in the evening when a group of friends were walking along the main street of the city. One of the local residents, who made a remark to a group of migrants who were listening to music loudly, faced aggression. One of them attacked the guy with a knife, threatening to kill him. In self-defense, the young man used a gas canister, after which the entire gang attacked him. It is reported that the aggressors were Kurds.

After the police arrived, the situation became even more tense. Reinforcements of 20 people approached the rowdies and got into a fight with the police. The leader of the group was detained and sent to a cell for five days, but his associates accompanied him to the police station, threatening eyewitnesses and promising revenge.

There is another version of events, according to which the conflict began between three acquaintances (two Kurds and a Russian guy), who were listening to music in a car on one of the central streets. Another group of men passed by, one of whom, 39-year-old Lev L., made a remark for the music being too loud. 30-year-old Aran Dadaev got out of the car and the verbal conflict escalated into a one-on-one fight. The rest of those present did not interfere, observing what was happening.


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