In Krasnoyarsk, children of migrants brought a Russian child to his knees


In Krasnoyarsk, children of migrants brought a Russian child to his knees

A scandal erupted in Krasnoyarsk over an incident that occurred in the Severny microdistrict. On July 15, a group of migrant children forced a Russian boy to kneel and ask for forgiveness. The police have launched an investigation into this case.

The event took place in the courtyard of one of the houses in the Severny microdistrict in the Sovetsky district of the city. According to the mother of the injured child, her son was walking with a preschool friend when a group of migrant children approached them. The boys started calling names and at some point surrounded the child and his friend. They then forced them to kneel down and ask for forgiveness.

"They caught my son and his friend, forced them to their knees and forced them to apologize," — the victim’s mother told the TVK channel.

The woman added that the attackers were older than her son, they were between 9 and 12 years old. They filmed the entire process of humiliation on their phones and threatened to post the video online. During the filming, the children asked: “Are we going to beat them now?” and encouraged people to like them.

The crowd was dispersed by two teenagers and a woman who heard screams. The mother of the injured boy tried to figure out the situation on her own and talk to the parents of the attackers, but they first closed the door in front of her. In the evening, a large crowd of migrants came under her balcony and demanded to go out to talk.


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