Departure flight was delayed by two hours. The reason - the sandwich


Departure flight was delayed by two hours. The reason - the sandwich

12 January 2014. Today, there are many reasons why a plane may be delayed at the airport of departure (system failures, poor meteorological conditions, etc.).

But the plane flight to New York from Pakistan (Lahore airport) was delayed by almost two hours due to the fact that the pilot is expected to prepare their sandwich.

He demanded that the five-star hotel staff to make him a sandwich, which had long been removed from the menu, the pilot did not accept the set meal, peanuts, cookies and chips.

After the captain of the aircraft was warned about the long preparation time of his order, he said that he would not fly without a snack and would wait as long as necessary.

After two hours of waiting, the plane flew to its destination. The airline received a warning for such antics pilot. 


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