Forced transplant in Warsaw


Forced transplant in Warsaw

February 18 2014. Seventeenth February board Voeing-737, Who flew on the route Moscow - Madrid, was forced to make an emergency landing at the airport in Warsaw.

According to official sources, the air conditioning system was disrupted in the cabin. In connection with the emergence of a threat to the health of passengers and crew members, it was decided to land the aircraft on the runway of the nearest airport. In this case, the airport of Warsaw turned up.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that there are no victims. There is no threat to the passengers' health. Further movement was carried out on the additional aircraft of the company "Transaero".

Thus, thanks to the timely and professional actions of the crew of the aircraft, which belongs to the company "Transaero", it was possible to avoid negative consequences. The passengers safely arrived at the final destination. That is, in Madrid.


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