Airport Bucharest Baneasa - Aurel Vlaicu (Bucharest Baneasa-Aurel Vlaicu International Airport). Official site.
Basic data of Bucharest Baneasa-Aurel Vlaicu airport:
- Airport Country: Romania .
- In the second largest airport of Romania.
- Year of the airport grounds: 1909.
- GMT time zone (summer / winter): + 3 / + 2.
- Latitude geographical 44.5, 26.1 geographical longitude.
- The geographical location of the airport: on 8 kilometers towards the north from the city of Bucharest.
Bucharest Banyasa - Aurel Vlayku (Bucharest Baneasa-Aurel Vlaicu International Airport). Official site: www.baneasa-airport.ro
The main airport codes:
- IATA airport code: BBU.
- ICAO airport code: LRBS.
Contact details:
- City Airport Help Phone: + 40212320020.
- Airport Fax: + 40212105687.
- E. mail Airport: [email protected].
- Base airport are airlines: Blue Air (Blue Air), Direct Aero Services (Direct Aero Services), Medallion Air (Medallion Air), Wizz Air (Wizz Air).
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