Airport Cotonou Kadzhehaun
Airport Cotonou Kadzhehaun

Airport Cotonou Kadzhehaun (Cotonou Cadjehoun Airport).


Basic data of the airport Cotonou Cadjehoun:

  • Airport Country: Benin.
  • International Airport is the largest city in Benin, Cotonou.
  • GMT time zone (summer / winter): + 1 / + 1.
  • Latitude geographical 6.36, 2.38 geographical longitude.
  • The geographical location of the airport: in 5 kilometers west of the city of Cotonou.
  • The number of airport terminals: 1.


Kadzhehaun Cotonou (Cotonou Cadjehoun Airport). Official website: no.

Airport Cotonou Kadzhehaun (Cotonou Cadjehoun Airport).


Airport Codes:

  • IATA airport code: COO.
  • ICAO airport code: DBBB.


Contact details:




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