Analysis of the development of the market of passenger transportation in 2014-2034 years
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Analysis of the development of the market of passenger transportation in 2014-2034 years

Analysis of the development of the market of passenger transportation in 2014-2034 years


In Geneva, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) released a review of the prospects for the development of passenger transport in the coming years 20. The report indicated that the passenger flow to 2034 7.3 billion will make. People. The average increase during the period is equal to 4.1%, which will lead to a doubling of the flow of passengers compared with 3.3 billion. 2014 in the year (forecast).

The report placed the emphasis on the forecast that China will overtake the US by passenger traffic volume in 2030 year. In 2034 year in China for domestic and international flights will be carried around 1.3 billion. Passengers, compared to 856 million. 2014 in the year, with annual growth of 5.5%. In the US, annual growth of 3.2 2034% and, in absolute terms, reaches 1.2 billion. (Compared to 559 million. 2014 in the year).

Forecast of passenger traffic was compiled based on three main factors:
• prices for air tickets;
• population growth;
• standard of living and availability of air transport services.

Analysis of the development of the market of passenger transportation in 2014-2034 years 23


Trends in passenger traffic growth markets


By the year 2034 the top five fastest growing markets will include China (856 million. Passengers per year), the US (559 million.), India (266 million.), Indonesia (183 million.) And Brazil (170 million.).

Eight of the ten fastest growing markets in percentage terms in Africa including: the Central African Republic, Madagascar, Tanzania, Burundi and Kuwait.

Among the mill to maximize the transport of Kuwait, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, Indonesia-East Timor.

Expansion of passenger traffic will increase the number of jobs to 58 million. Man to 105 million. Wealthy residents work. To grow the GDP of many countries 2.4 trillion. to 6 trillion. dollars.

The aviation industry will activate its activity in the field of environmental protection, carrying out a series of measures to reduce emissions of harmful substances. Since 2009 years actively operates three distinct areas:
• increasing the efficiency of aircraft engines by 1.5% annually;
• introduction of new technologies and expansion of the use of fuels from bio raw materials;
• striving to reduce emissions of harmful gases by 50% from 2005 to 2050.


Analysis of the development of the market of passenger transportation in 2014-2034 years 23


An analysis for the period of 10 2014-2034, the largest market of passenger transportation


Analysis of the most advanced and largest passenger traffic market is characterized by the following indicators:
• The United States will maintain its status as the largest transportation market until 2030, when it reaches a total of 18.3 billion passengers worldwide;
• currently India's 9th largest market, catching up with the UK market (148 million people) in terms of traffic, to become 3rd largest in 2031;
• Passenger traffic in Japan is growing by 1.3% per year, which ultimately will lead to a decrease in traffic and from 4th place in 2014 the country will move to 9th place in 2033;
• Germany will move from 5th to 8th, Spain from 6th to 7th, among the largest markets in the world, France will move from 7th to 10th, Italy from 10th place will leave the 10 largest markets for passenger transportation in 2019;
• Brazil will increase passenger traffic and move up from 10th place to 5th with 270 million passengers.



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