Aeroflot stewardess
English for flight attendants

How important is English for flight attendants?


With perfect knowledge of English, you have a much better chance to succeed in any field, including aviation. If you are well versed in English, then you will be able to become a flight attendant, because of his knowledge of a compulsory test.


English for flight attendants. What knowledge is checked?


  • Listening. Speech recognition involves an alien with a choice of correct answers in the test.
  • Grammar. Future flight attendant again have to choose the correct answer.
  • Conversation on general topics. It is necessary to skillfully tell about themselves and the profession in a foreign language. And check does not end there.
  • A retelling of the text in English.


How to quickly master the English for flight attendants?


It's no secret that one day all this knowledge it is impossible to lay in his brain. To master the English language (and therefore hand over all the tasks of listening), have to constantly train. Moreover, a foreign language is difficult to learn on their own. Well, if the training took place under the strict supervision of an experienced teacher.


Much more difficulty takes grammar. So if you decide to become a flight attendant, you have to be like the courses at least a few months. Besides English for flight attendants can now explore even online via "Skype".


What must be able to English stewardess?


  • Welcome passengers to identify their needs and problems, to offer help to calm in unexpected situations, to apologize for the delay
  • Describe the problems with the health of passengers
  • Describe the different types of drinks and food, as well as to talk about the power requirements
  • Describe the location of airports, aircraft, tourist attractions
  • To inform about the duties of flight attendants, agencies of registration of passengers, ground services


As a rule, the majority of English courses for flight attendants provide a similar program, which somehow includes the following topics:

  • Greeting passengers
  • Prepare for takeoff
  • Communication with passengers during flight
  • Service on board (medical problems, requests and complaints from passengers, emergencies)
  • Preparing for landing aircraft
  • Disembarkation of passengers


In conclusion it should be more to say about the flight attendant profession itself. Whatever it may seem tempting opportunity to dress up in beautiful uniforms, to be constantly in the spotlight, to see a large number of countries from the profession has another side.


The flight attendant should always be ready for the next flight, that is, it can cause a job at any time. Therefore, your loved ones and families need to have patience and perseverance. This work is more suitable for free-spirited people who are not encumbered.


However, there are very choosy passengers, and not all behave appropriately. You have to learn to keep his cool and composure in any situation, because it is an integral part of the work. Maximum tolerance and a fine sense of humor to all types of people - these are the qualities without which it can not do any one flight attendant. If you are tired of fast communication, easily offended or annoyed, then some knowledge of English will be enough.


Being a flight attendant - a huge task, requiring great physical and emotional effort. The work is not only to distribute mints during landing and takeoff. Most of the time you have to stay on their feet and to carry out their duties in difficult conditions. Despite the fatigue and stress, you have to behave politely, even with those who do not respect you.


But if you want a long time to learn this profession, no difficulty will not keep you away, including English language training.


So, Natalia segdnya Makarshin tell us about what should be the level of knowledge of English to work in the airline. Video.

and it is difficult


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