Airport - Arthur Hailey
Aviation and literature
"Airport" is a magnificent creation of the famous American writer, author of many detective stories, Arthur Haley.

MiG-29. Fighter "invisible"
Aviation and literature
MiG-29 - the fourth generation multi-purpose fighter.

Romantic. Pilot. Writer. Saint-Exupery.
Aviation and literature
"If you knew what I have an irresistible urge to fly!" - Wrote Antoine


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Books about planes. Books about the helicopters.


Modern society can not normally develop and function without the constant improvement of aviation, which can be used both as information communications and transport communications. A society that undergoes global transformations requires its methodological analysis and social and philosophical interpretation. The analysis of the special literature, which is devoted to the role and place of modern communications in the development and functioning of a globalizing society, clearly shows that the attention of researchers is primarily focused on information communications.

But little attention is paid to the socio-cultural significance of aviation functions, the value of the aircraft as a vehicle to identify the aircraft as the interconnections of information communications and transport means of communication. Therefore, philosophical understanding of the spectrum of aviation issues is highly relevant and requires a detailed socio-philosophical analysis. But make it will be simply impossible without books about airplanes, helicopters and other aircraft, which can be found on our website.

Books about planes. Books about the helicopters.

Planes at all times attracted the attention of many people. Particularly interesting they are for boys who dream of becoming pilots. They constantly seek out information on the air devices, not just knowledge to comprehend the future profession, but also willing to devote their lives to it. Of course, they are very interested in books about helicopters and airplanes. They captivate not only the current models, but also the history of aviation.

For all time of its development it was created a huge number of different models of aircraft. From books you can learn about the most important events in the history of aircraft and aviation, from the first flights of gliders and ending with the establishment of modern supersonic jet machines. Almost all books about airplanes, helicopters, besides the high-quality illustrations, it is a valuable reference material. Many publications are designed not only for adult readers, but also to school age.

Of course, television, and now the Internet are indispensable means of broadcasting to the masses. However, nothing can replace the human book. Of course, the printed format is more convenient, but also allows you to soak up all of the electronic information. The main thing is to grasp the meaning set forth in the author's words and be interested in the attainment of new knowledge. Our portal offers a selection of aviation best books about helicopters and airplanes. It offered a book of military and civilian subjects.

Books about planes

You can read about the flights, various emergency situations, on how to behave, not only pilots and other management personnel, but also passengers. Particularly interesting you will read about the heroic actions of the pilots of the different models of aircraft, about the importance of aviation during the war years and a lot of other useful information.

Check for free with all the books on space and aviation. Choosing one of them, you can easily find it in an electronic version or even a printed edition, which, of course, will be more difficult. If you are accustomed to reading books through special programs, in a few minutes you will be able to find the most suitable option for yourself and enjoy reading. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the large library of books on airplanes and helicopters, read their detailed description. For each book, a cover is selected, so when you search, you will not mistake the desired book on the other.

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