Aviation with their hands
Aviation with their hands

Aviation with their hands



Today the development of amateur general aviation is by leaps and bounds. Private jets owned by an individual - not a rarity. And corporate flying ships are different companies for a long time business.

More and more people are interested in aviation so much that they begin to engage in aircraft construction on their own. And enterprising deals did not lose sight of this: today there are special kit kits on sale with instructions. An aircraft can be constructed from individual finished parts or parts own hands. Aircraft It attracts more and more people who have money and some free time. 


Aviation with their hands

Aviation with their hands in Russia


Another consideration for which people take up the aircraft - the ability to assemble the aircraft, which, in this case, will be cheaper than ready. But nothing of the pleasure of such a hobby and can not speak. Homemade, in general, it is quite common in Western countries. There is some sort of craze for handmade: various equipment, musical instruments, boats.

Helicopters and planes do not graze the rear. Kits for the assembly of aircraft with their own hands can be easily found via the Internet. Companies-implementers and organize special training centers, where shoppers are invited to acquire the necessary skills build, and you can even get a pilot's license of small aircraft. Comprehensive technical support and advice in the future, of course, are understood: aircraft with their hands - it's not a joke.


Small aircraft with their own hands

Small aircraft with their own hands


Gone are the days when pilots dreamed teshilis though Aviamodelirovaniye: creating small wooden models (which are then carefully stood on the shelf). Now in amateur aviation, things are much more serious: he has collected - he flew. Most of all, according to statistics, are flying in countries like America, Australia, Canada and Finland.

In Russia there are also many private pilots, but the legislation in the sphere of private aviation lags behind the real situation. Although specific laws already in the project and must be gradually introduced into practice. As long as pilots fans who come out of the situation as it may: receive permission to fly all sorts of hook or by crook. For example, you can apply for selhozpolety (processing fields with chemicals). A fly just like that. All this, of course, increases the accident rate in this area, especially given the prospect of creating aircraft handmade.

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