Sidelights aircraft
External lighting equipment of the aircraft is on the tail, fuselage, wing, and is intended to prevent collisions on the ground and in the air, lighting, taxiway and runway while taxiing on the airfield, takeoff and landing. In other cases, it may perform other functions, depending on the characteristics and purpose of the aircraft. 2 divided into categories: light-signal and lighting equipment.
Lighting equipment has also called side lights of the aircraft - a flashing beacons and airborne navigation lights.
Usually, navigation lights consist of the side lights on the wing consoles: right - green, left - red, tail - white (white lights on the airplanes used on the backs of the wing consoles).
Location lanterns and accurate focusing lamps make it easy to determine the direction and the spatial position of the aircraft in the dark. For better visibility system sidelights aircraft are often equipped with special elements to create a blinking effect (intermittent glow).
To specify the path of movement of the aircraft in space used flashing (pulse beacons) white or red. The most primitive pulse beacon MSL-3 consists of a rotating platform on which the one-way mirror lamp power W SM60 28-60, and closed red protective glass cover-filter.
The platform moves under the influence of an electric motor ETC-5, frequency glimmer of light beams is 90 flashes per minute.
More powerful flashing light ISI consists of upper and lower fixtures PSU lighthouse. Lamps with pulse arc discharge lamps, power pulse 600 watts. Most often, these glass lanterns are left unpainted, but sometimes there are lights with red glasses. Timing circuit in the power supply adjusts the flash rate at 40 flashes per minute.
The Flashing Light Media-2K, which uses a flash lamp on 1000 watts of power with a red light filter cover, uses the same principle.