Attack aircraft performs predominantly attacks with a strafing flight. In the practice of the imperialist war 1914 — 1918. and in recent wars, other methods of attack were also used: diving from medium heights at an angle 50 — 65 ° to the ground by dropping bombs from small heights (400-600 l), dive from heights 400-600 m on target with machine-gun fire.
Strafing mission called for the lowest height, eliminating the possibility of collision with obstacles on the ground (trees, buildings) and allows free maneuver between obstacles (forests, relief, settlements) on the terrain and of the sun. So the flight until recently was flying at an altitude of up to 5 25 l; from 5 m above flat terrain with a margin of up to 25 m for the height of maneuver (flight profile), taking into account oncoming obstacles (poles, buildings, trees, etc.). However, increasing the flight speed of up to 450-600 km / h (t. E. 125-167 m / sec.) At the present time does fly at such altitudes impossible why stormtroopers, obviously, will have to operate at altitudes not lower than 50-100 m. The most common method of attack should be considered as a combination of a diving attack to attack on low-level flight.
Strafing occupies an important place in the combat training of the Air Force of the foreign states. It provides a significant advantage when attacking the living moving and stationary targets in the tactical and operational areas, allowing a sudden blow.
Construction of combat flight and assault attack
Elements fighting stormtroopers during combat flight and attack:
1) Reconnaissance of the target is carried out by military or army aviation during the preparatory period, and from the moment of setting the task - by attack aircraft "reconnaissance on oneself" (usual visual, and sometimes photographic reconnaissance).
2) Readiness for action: the first is distinguished, when part of the formation is ready to fly, but the bombs have not yet been suspended; the second (the so-called combat), when the crews and aircraft are fully ready to take off, but the engines have not yet started; the third (the so-called starting), when the planes are ready to take off, the crews are in the planes, the motors are started. The transition from the first readiness to the starting one is determined by the time required for the suspension of bombs and starting the engines (from 0,5 to 1,5 hours). At launch readiness, the attack time is determined by the time to take off (3-5 minutes for the squadron) m to fly to the target (depending on the distance to the target).
3) Additional reconnaissance is carried out if the target is mobile and can leave from the moment of the first reconnaissance, as well as for
the final determination of the time, location and direction of the attack, or to determine the impact of time agreed upon with the troops. It is running at an altitude scout troop, or at low level flight, depending on local conditions.
Very spectacular