Question: "And again, it was interesting to learn about the reserve. What it is? Where you are while you wait? What you can do while waiting for the flight? Answer: emergency, thank God, I was not, perhaps, in that I am lucky. The reserve can be no more than 4 once a month. Provision is day and night. Day with 8-00 am to 20-00 evening and night with 20-00 pm to 8-00 morning. We need to be in the hotel, usually hotels that are closest to the airport. While in the reserve, we dol
What is a reserve flight attendants?

Question: "And again, it was interesting to learn about the reserve. What it is? Where you are while you wait? What you can do while waiting for the flight?


Answer: There were no emergency situations, thank God, probably, I am lucky in this. You can be in reserve no more than 4 times a month. The reserve is day and night. Daytime from 8-00 am to 20-00 pm, and nighttime from 20-00 pm to 8-00 am. We must be in a hotel, usually the hotels that are closest to the airport. Being in reserve, we must always be ready and must have time to get ready in 15 minutes. We usually do not wash off our makeup, we do our hairstyles so that, if necessary, we can quickly correct them. I was recently in reserve, the first time in the daytime. I looked at the departure time on the ships I fly. I look at my 3 hours of free time, which means they won't call me anywhere, so I went to the gym, worked out, so you can guess. It often happens that we eat and sleep in reserve, but they never call us for the flight. In such cases, we just go home.

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