Dmitry Kamenshchik
Dmitry Kamenshchik

Dmitry Kamenshchik - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Domodedovo Airport.




Born on April 26 on 1968 in Sverdlovsk. 
He graduated from the sociological department of Moscow University. MV Lomonosov. 
He is fond of martial arts Sanga, piloting jets and downhill skiing. 

1992-1993 is the general representative in Moscow of the joint venture "EAST LINE". In 1993, the company begins cooperation with Domodedovo airport

In 1998, Dmitry Kamenshchik is headed by managing Domodedovo airport. Airport became the first private in Russia. With 2005 years Domodedovo is the leader in Russia in terms of passenger traffic, and in 2011, he entered into the category of Europe's largest airports. 

For a long time the question of form of ownership Domodedovo airport remained a matter of debate. Only in May 2011 years in preparation Domodedovo to the IPO, the media got the information that Dmitry Kamenshchik is the sole beneficiary of DME Limited, owner of Domodedovo airport. In 2013 the Airport issued an official statement: 

For more than a decade Russian civil aviation shows steady growth. However, it needs to be ground infrastructure development. In our view, this is fully recognized at the state level. 

The country's leadership intends to invest heavily in the development of the Moscow aviation hub, while it is important to observe the following criteria system: all participants of projects on development of ground infrastructure are in Russian jurisdiction, and their ultimate owners are known. We agree with the fairness of such conditions. 

In this regard, we consider it necessary to publish information that the enterprises that carry out airport activities in Domodedovo in accordance with certificates and licenses of a national sample are in Russian jurisdiction, and their final owner is a citizen of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kamenshchik. 

Any other businesses controlled by Dmitry Kamenshchik in Russia or outside are not mentioned anywhere. 


1992-1993 - General Representative in Moscow of the joint venture "EAST LINE". In 1993g. the company starts cooperation with Domodedovo airport. 1994-1995 - General Director of JSC "East Line", with 1995 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the "East Line" (a group of companies specializing in cargo and passenger air transportation on international and domestic flights and airport management); at the same time, the 1997 - head of the company Airport Management Company Ltd. (Isle of Man, United Kingdom);

With 1998g. Dmitry Kamenshchik headed by managing Domodedovo airport. Airport became the first private in Russia; facilities of the airport complex, owned by the state, are decorated in a long-term lease.

Under the leadership of Dmitry Kamenshchik Domodedovo airport created a unique system of business management, which allowed air harbor to take a leading position in Russia - with 2005 years Domodedovo Airport is the leader in terms of passenger traffic, and in 2011 was entered in the category of Europe's largest airports.

For a long time the question of form of ownership Domodedovo airport remained a matter of debate. Only in May 2011 years in preparation Domodedovo to the IPO, the media got the information that Dmitry Kamenshchik is the sole beneficiary of DME Limited, owner of Domodedovo airport. However, due to unfavorable at that time market conditions, the air harbor, it was decided to postpone the release of an IPO.

In 2013, the government has stepped up work on the development of the Moscow air hub, marking the conditions of investment: Project participants are Russian jurisdiction to known beneficiaries. Airport confirmed the agreement with the justice of such conditions by publishing an official statement:

For more than a decade Russian civil aviation shows steady growth. However, it needs to be ground infrastructure development. In our view, this is fully recognized at the state level.

The country's leadership intends to invest heavily in the development of the Moscow aviation hub, while it is important to observe the following criteria system: all participants of projects on development of ground infrastructure are in Russian jurisdiction, and their ultimate owners are known. We agree with the fairness of such conditions.

In this regard, we consider it necessary to publish information that the enterprises that carry out airport activities in Domodedovo in accordance with certificates and licenses of a national sample are in Russian jurisdiction, and their final owner is a citizen of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kamenshchik. 

Assessment of

Analysts Forbes magazine estimated the state Dmitry Kamenshchik $ 1 billion - 108 line in the ranking of Russian businessmen. However, if we analyze public data on transactions of Tolmachevo Airport, Edinburgh and Stansted in the past year 3, we see that the average multiplier EV / LTM EBITDA was h17,2. If we apply this figure to Domodedovo - the estimated value of the airport will be about 7,5 billion. US dollars.

In addition, it is worth noting that the property of affiliated entities to Domodedovo is situated about 16 000 hectares of land surrounding the aerodrome. The market value of hundreds of land close to the airport in areas ranging from 350 9000 to US dollars, depending on the functional purpose.

Any other businesses controlled by Dmitry Kamenshchik in Russia or outside are not mentioned anywhere. 

