Nicholas G. Dokashenko. Service. Fighting. Awards. Memory. Photo.
21.11.1921 Born into a peasant family in a village in the Ukraine Kondratovka Sumy region. In 1939 9 graduated from grade school Solohatskoy, Sumy flying club.
In the ranks of the army since June 1941 Chuguevsky He graduated from aviation school in 1943 year. Some time had served in 22-m reserve Regiment 6-th spare aviation brigade (Moscow Military District).
Member of the Second World War: a 06.1944 years - a pilot with 11.1944 years - a senior pilot 17-190-th Regiment th Air Division of the Air 11-3-th Air Army fighter. He fought on 3-Byelorussian and 1-Baltic Front. He took part in the Belarusian, the East Prussian, Gumbinnen-Goldapskoy operations. By the end of the war made 110 sorties, he participated in seven air battles personally shot down German planes 2 (21.12.1944 two in one fight) and 2 - teammates in the group.
He took part in the military operations of the Soviet-Japanese war - summer 1945 years. Finished 3 departure, escorting bombers deep into the enemy rear.
Soviet flying ace, Hero of the Soviet Union.
Member of the Great Patriotic War,
Soviet-Japanese and the Korean War.
After the war Dokashenko continued to serve in the Air Force of the Soviet occupation forces in Germany. As commander 17-th Regiment, 1951, the spring is directed in North China (Mukden). Tam was appointed commander of the squadron of the Flight.
He participated in the Korean War in the summer of 1951 years. Considered one of the best aces in the regiment.
Captain Dokashenko for the period of hostilities in Korea, made 148 sorties, participated in 45 fights, knocked 9 American planes and 2 injured (this fact is the reason for a different number of victories ace, as some authors write about 11 downed combining damaged and downed planes together).
Decree of 22.04.1952 years captain Dokashenko, for bravery and courage in battle, Hero of the country with the award of "Gold Star" and the Order of Lenin.
Ranks. Awards.
Upon returning home, he continued to serve in the Air Force. He commanded a squadron, with 1955 years - the assistant commander of the tactical and fire training 17-th Regiment, to 1958 years - commander 17-th Regiment. With 1959 years - Head of Kurgan Aeroclub DOSAAF. In 1960, Lieutenant Colonel Dokashenko left in stock.
He lived in the city of Sumy (Ukraine). He died in February 22 1992 years. He was buried in Sumy on Dokashenko Zasumskom cemetery.
Thanks to the Internet and indifferent people working in it, I learned about Dokashenko Nikolai Grigorievich, his bright memory, who lived like a real hero., Fought and devoted his entire life to the service of his beloved Mother. We need to know our heroes, their biography, for that. To remember and tell them about it to his grandchildren-how victory was won in the Great Patriotic War. Thanks to such heroes as Nikolai Grigorovich, the Soviet people stood and won this war. He is a real Hero, an example of Courage and Honor, these lost concepts. He is a true patriot, loyal to his duty and people.