Dornier 228. Photo. Video. Driving salon. Characteristics. Reviews.
Dornier 228 - a twin-engine aircraft for regional aviation lines, which are produced by the German company Dornier GmbH (later - Fairchild-Dornier, DASA) in 1981-1998 years.
Civilian operators
Major operators Do 228, which are in use:
Aerocardal. A Soriano Aviation. Agni Air. Aero VIP. Air MarshallIslands. AfricanAir Services Leasing. Daily Air. Air WestCoast. Divi Divi Air. Dolphin Air. Gorkha Airlines. Dornier Aviation Nigeria. Indian Airlines. Jagson Airlines. LASSA. InterIsland Airways. Manx2. Maldivian. Sita Air. New Central Airlines. Vision Airlines. Summit Air. Yeti Airlines.
Dornier 228 Salon
The characteristics of the aircraft Dornier 228:
Length: 16.6m.
Height: 4.9m.
Empty weight: 3740kg.
Wingspan: 17.0m.
Wing area: 32.0sqm
Maximum speed: 470km / h..
Cruising speed: 430km / h..
Ceiling: 8500m.
Flight range with maximum load: 1100 km.
Engines: 2x Honeywell TPE3315A252D.
Link: 2x780l.s.
Number of seats: 19mest.
Maximum takeoff weight: 6400kg.
Maximum landing weight: 6100kg.
Maximum weight without fuel: 5940kg.
Maximum payload: 2200kg.
Capacity of fuel tanks: 2390l.
the run length: 800m.
path length: 450m.
The length of the passenger compartment: 7.08m
The width of the passenger compartment: 1.34m
Do 228NG
Length: 16.6m.
Height: 4.9m.
Empty weight: 3810kg.
Wingspan: 17.0m.
Wing area: 32.0sqm
Maximum speed: 470km / h..
Cruising speed: 430km / h..
Ceiling: 8500m.
Flight range with maximum load: 830 km.
Engines: 2x Garrett TPE33110.
Link: 2x776l.s.
Number of seats: 19mest.
Maximum takeoff weight: 6400kg.
Maximum landing weight: 6100kg.
Maximum weight without fuel: 5940kg.
Maximum payload: 2130kg.
Capacity of fuel tanks: 2390l.
the run length: 800m.
path length: 450m.
The length of the passenger compartment: 7.08m
The width of the passenger compartment: 1.34m