Egoryevsky Technical Aviation College
Egorievsk Technical Aviation College named after V.P. Chkalov is one of the oldest educational institutions, a branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, which trains specialists for civil aviation.
Egorievsk Technical Aviation School from 1991, the year passed to the preparation of specialists of an increased level of qualification with an extended period of study and it was renamed Egoryevsk Technical Aviation College.
Founded in 1918, it is thus the oldest educational institution in the industry. Since 1947 he has been preparing technical aviation personnel for foreign countries and Russia. In 1991 it was transformed into a college. Over the years of his activity he has trained more than thirty thousand specialists. In the college, 74 teachers conduct their teaching activities, of which 14 hold academic degrees. About 1200 people study at the college permanently. EATK named after Chkalov V.P. implements a huge range of certified and licensed educational programs. Has been implementing international education programs since 1957. During this period, more than a thousand specialists were trained for 66 countries from all over the world.
Training of foreigners is carried out under a contract. A graduate with a high-quality execution of a high-level curriculum receives two diplomas: the first - on obtaining the profession of "Senior Technician", the second - on incomplete higher education, which gives the right to enter the specialty in the third year of the Aerospace University. In 2009, EATC took part in the international exhibition "Aviation Fuel Supply - 2009", which is usually attended by Russian companies, as well as foreign (from Ukraine and Germany), close to this industry.
According to the order dated 04.02.2008, from 01.03.2009 Egorievsk Technical Aviation College of Civil Aviation named after V.P. Chkalov became a branch of the Moscow Technical State University of Civil Aviation (MSTU GA).
Technical operation of engines and aircraft
It is a structural department of the Egorievsk Technical Aviation College, which trains personnel in the specialty "Technical operation of engines and aircraft" for civil aviation since 1947 and in the specialty "Technical operation of flight-navigation and electrified complexes" since 1996. At the advanced level, the first two years, cadets receive theoretical fundamental training. In the senior courses, they acquire in-depth knowledge of certain types of aircraft (Tu-204, Tu-154, Il-76, Il-96, An-24, Yak-42, An-26 and others) and master the skills of a specialty in their maintenance.
Pretty deep practical and theoretical training of graduates gives them the opportunity to work on aviation enterprises in all regions of Russia. Many graduates work in Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo, and so on.
Site: eatkgа.ru /