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Thunder Wolves Game

Game Thunder Wolves


The game was released in May 2013, is a volatile mix of helicopter simulator with action game.


Thunder Wolves - a detachment of mercenaries, the goal of the game is to shoot enemy vehicles and buildings with combat helicopters. The stock of missiles is magically replenished, machine guns do not require reloading, damage is healed by itself. All this contributes to a fiery shower of bullets, pouring down on the enemy's heads without interruption. The game is a fun shooting game for shooter fans.

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The company includes 13 game missions, each passes on their scenario differs from the previous ones. Cover SWAT various operations to defeat the troops and columns of armored vehicles enemy - keep players in suspense. Large-scale military operations and then replaced staged segments that offer to shoot a sniper rifle and heavy machine gun.


The destruction made way for ground troops fighting in the air, after the heroes of maneuver under fire from anti-aircraft guns. Some operations need to seize the land. The end of each mission, the player leads to a powerful boss.

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Interestingly, before departure, it is possible to choose a helicopter from several models. They are distinguished by weapons, health and maneuverability. The disadvantages of the primitive game mechanics are compensated for by a very quick change in the plot setting. But fans of games of this genre usually don't care. Why bother with mechanics if you can cheerfully iron the next reinforcement, enjoying the pyrotechnic effects.


It is best to play the Thunder Wolves with your friends - The game allows cooperative transmission. From this only increases the pleasure. You can organize competitions, who will take the longest line of the highest achievements in the table.

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Appearance Thunder Wolves deserve nice reviews. Heroes sweep over the cities, jungles and deserts. Emphasis is placed on a variety of bright explosions and pyrotechnics.


Developers Thunder Wolves made quite exciting and eventful company. The game allows the pilot to feel invincible iron bird and take part in exciting stories of different operations. For those who like to have fun with your friends, immersed in the atmosphere of boundless shooters - Thunder Wolves will be a very good gift.

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