
Ilyushin Il-30


After completion of construction experienced Il-28 1948 in the collective S. Ilyushin Design Bureau immediately switched to the development of a bomber jet class that could carry payloads weighing 2000 3500 kg over a distance of km with a maximum speed of 1000 km / h. This project has been decided to call the IL-30. At the heart of the power plant on a plane would use the TR-3 engines developed by a team of CB Lyul'ko.

First, a new wing was planned to install a direct wing, but after the tests in TsAGI they changed their minds, because for a number of different reasons problems with huge drag and considerable deformations of the wing design would appear. Because of this, we decided to install an arrow-shaped wing with a thickness of 12% and a sweep of 35 degrees. Thanks to this type of wing, most of the unfavorable moments were eliminated, in particular, the crisis wave intensity was reduced, the given flight data was provided, and an excellent handling of the aircraft appeared.

But in itself swept wing had a number of significant drawbacks. In contrast to the direct wing lift in less swept to 20% percent. To remove this problem in the wing sweep IL-30 used two methods: the small narrowing carried on the wings and found on the surface of the ridges - aerodynamic partitions.

When we applied a small restriction, respectively, increased chords at the end sections. The small thickness of the wing bomber has led to a decrease in high-rise buildings have been added supporting elements of the wing. But reducing the height of development has led to difficulties throughout the layout of the aircraft. Since the amount of fuel decreased tonnage decreased and the flight distance that did not correspond to a given task. A possible solution could be the only suspension additional fuel tanks on the ends of the wings.


On the surface of the wings, 4 pairs of aerodynamic partitions were installed. They prevented the flow of the boundary layer perpendicular to the span of the wing, prevented the lightning strike, smoothing it, and also increased the longitudinal stability of the aircraft during large angles of attack. Also because of the swept wing designers had to take measures to ensure the necessary characteristics of lateral and lateral stability of the aircraft. But in this case a different problem arose: excessive lateral stability had a detrimental effect on the lateral, which led to large fluctuations at low speeds. To fix this, we decided by giving the wing a negative angle of transverse V equal to 20, and the choice of the area of ​​the vertical stabilizer.

Thus, to determine the placement of the horizontal tail, which had to be positioned at the vertical tail fin. This in turn has improved the handling of the aircraft, its longitudinal stability and reduce the impact of a strong bevel.

When designing the Il-30 great attention was paid to the reciprocity of the wing and fuselage arrangement. Blowing in the pipe showed that having a cylindrical middle part of the fuselage, and the wave interference resistance provides minimum sagittal layout wing to the fuselage sredneplana scheme. Despite all the difficulties, the engineers decided to pick it up.

Such placement of the wing led to the complication of the deployment engine and the chassis. Studies have shown that the optimal location of the power plant are made by far in front of the engine nacelles TR-3. They should be pressed against the bottom surface of the wing. From chassis chosen bicycle. Only two bearings mounted in the plane of symmetry of the aircraft, and placed at a great distance.

The front support of IL-30 was carried out orientated. Its control was carried out by the movement of the steering wheel pedals in the cockpit. The rear support is located behind the bomb bay, which is in the center of the mass of the aircraft. The rear wheels were fitted with powerful brakes. When moving on the ground and in the parking lot, the aircraft roll on the wings is prevented by light additional supports located under each gondola holding the engine. These supports were subjected to a relatively small load and quietly retracted into small fairings from below the surface of each gondola. It was on IL-30, a jet bomber, that the bicycle scheme of the chassis was first used in the USSR.

The crew consists of four people: navigator, the pilot and two gunners. All the crew seats are protected by armor. In case of emergency the pilot could eject, and the arrows and the navigator leave the aircraft via the lower escape hatches.

Armament IL-30

By plane found 6 23 HP-guns, to protect the front of the hemisphere met 2 stationary type gun. They installed in the nose of the aircraft. Behind the rear hemisphere met 2 movable type gun mounted on the turret IL-V12. At the tail of the fuselage mounted aft turret IL-KB. The maximum bomb load of IL-30 - 4000 kg.

From the equipment on the aircraft used only for the most advanced at that time. In particular the present radar antenna pan, which covered a hemispherical radome. It was also different radio engineering, advanced navigation and flight control, and special equipment. We apply a new anti-icing system and full cockpit sealing.

The first prototype was built Il-30 49, the summer, and in September a pilot V. Kokkinaki did some test driving it. But in the air, he never rose. Applied wing scheme ahead of its time, but was not suitable for such a fuselage, and the problem was with the TP-3 engines. The last argument became urgent transfer of the entire KB team for the construction of IL-28 modifications.

Ilyushin Il-30 characteristics:

Modification   IL-30
Wing area, m2   100.0
Weight, kg  
  empty aircraft   22967
  normal takeoff   32552
  maximum take-off   37552
engine's type   2 РўР Р ”РўР -3
Thrust, kgf   X 2 4600
Speed, km / h  
  maximum on the ground   900
  maximum at height   1000
  cruising   850
Flight distance, km   3500
Practical ceiling, m   13000
Crew   4
Armament:   XNUME PANEL РЅРѕСЃРѕРІРѕР№ С ‡ Р ° сти С „СЋР · ел ужР°, РґР »СЏ Р · Р ° С ‰ Шты Р · Р ° дней РїРѕР »РсРІРёРЅС Р РРРСРСРСРСРРРР РРРР РРРРРРР »РЏРЏР °Р °Р °, Р °Р» С · Р · РР ° Р »Р »С · Р · Р °Р ° Р »Р» СЏ Р · Р ° Р, РёР » „Pk С ‡ Р ° СЃС, Рё РєРѕСЂРјРѕРІР ° СЏ турельнР° СЏ ястР° РЅРѕРІРєР ° Р Р» -Р »6,
 Р'РѕРјР ± РѕРІР ° СЏ РЅР ° РіСЂСѓР · РєР °: РЅРѕСЂРјР ° Р »СЊРЅР ° СЏ - 2000 РєРі, РјР ° РєСЃРёРјР ° Р» СЊРЅР ° С - 4000 РРі.



OKB Ilyushin Aircraft

It is a pity that no longer produce such aircraft. But on the basis of its IL-54 it was built, which also impresses with its performance. I would not write off the plane from the accounts.

Tell me, please, the advantages and disadvantages of Il-30. Very necessary. I would be most grateful.

