Intellektnye systems for unmanned aerial vehicles. First steps
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Intellektnye systems for unmanned aerial vehicles. First steps

Intellektnye systems for unmanned aerial vehicles. First steps.


Mexican professor and innovator Jose Martinez Carranza is currently developing a special system that allows a person to completely abandon the management of unmanned aerial vehicles, and also to protect people by abandoning the global positioning system (GPS). The new development has already passed the first tests, and as it became known to a wide audience, unmanned aerial vehicles will be managed by a specially developed program, information in which will be made through special sensors that are essentially auditory and visual organs of the aircraft.



Initially, due to a lack of information, it was assumed that the unmanned aerial vehicle would be controlled by a person through the cameras located on the UAV body, however, this idea disappeared by itself, since it required the presence of a person. Now, thanks to a specially developed program, the aircraft can independently control its position in space, changing the altitude, speed, direction of movement, etc. An important point is that the developed unmanned aerial vehicle does not need GPS support, and can independently be guided by sensors located on it.



The current invention is to allow to minimize the human factor when using UAVs, while providing high security for others, including another air transport. According to reports released by the first prototype of the future UAV could fly in a complex near the closed space 250 meters, while not confronted with distant objects obstacles.



What is the innovation of this decision? Compared with the current state of affairs, drones of the future will be able to:

  1. Independently carry out tasks of patrolling the area;
  2. To ensure the delivery of small loads over long distances;
  3. Perform a survey of large areas of terrain without human intervention.


In addition, it is important to note also that moment, in the long term, such a system can start to apply in civil aviation, however, according to the inventor, in nearby 10 years to talk about something like that is unlikely to have, but certainly, the system will modernized and optimized to obtain better results.


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