Invariant TBG Management System
The condition of the physical feasibility of the invariant control system is the implementation of the principle of dual-channel. As the main ways to implement this principle can be considered the introduction of a system for compensating communication disturbance. For internal disturbances in SU a communication with respect to the control loop in the SU VZ will, for example, the control channels in the parameters of the engine, by implication characterizes the change in the flow of air through his transition modes.
This construction system represents one of the possible forms of integration and management of OT engine. The structure and parameters of the system combines the control channel (channel integration) selected from the condition of invariance cooperative modes OT and the engine to the internal disturbances. In the case where the characteristics of all the elements of linear ACS, from the condition of absolute invariance can be obtained, and the transfer function of the required compensating device.
An essential non-linearity, which practically determines the dynamic properties of the control system, is the characteristic of the actuator SAU VZ, which has zones of saturation and velocity insensitivity. This nonlinearity enters the integration channel and must be taken into account when choosing its characteristics. The condition of absolute invariance is obtained for a system having a nonlinearity of the "saturation" type in the control circuit, which is valid for deterministic perturbations with an arbitrary law and a finite rate of change in the rotational speed. For the case when the characteristic of the actuator has an essential dead zone, a condition is found for determining the maximum permissible value of this zone, at which the invariance to e is attainable.
The relationship between the parameters of channel integration, given by the invariance conditions defines hyperbole. The choice of parameters of ACS in accordance with the principles laid down makes it possible to obtain an invariant management ISAU without limitation level disturbances in the regulation of the OT in a closed cycle.
Control possibilities without restriction of perturbations in ISAU with VT controllers of software type will be considered in connection with ACS in which the movement of the wedge (cone) LK is performed in the function of the parameter 7gk. Such systems can have large dynamic errors, consisting of two components. One is due to the principle of regulation (structural dynamic error) and leads to an anticipation by the regulating body of its necessary position, and the other by delays in the control equipment (instrumental dynamic error) and causes the regulatory body to lag behind.
Read all about the gas turbine engine