Irkutsk branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation
One of the many branches of the Moscow Technical State University of Civil Aviation.
Mikhail Sokolov, Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation in October 2012, the Federal Air Transport Agency instructed to consider the question of unification MSTUCA and Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MGUPS) to create on the basis of the Federal University of Transport MGUPS the Central Federal District. However, experts in the field of aviation unanimously expressed about the negative consequences of such restructuring.
MSTUCA is a vertically integrated educational complex, which is built under the concept of the development of transport education. The University brought to life the concept of learning throughout life (not for life one education, and the formation of a lifetime), a system of continuous education.
MSTUCA registered the ICAO system. This fact confirms that the educational programs of the University is fully oriented to the needs of civil aviation, and therefore meet the requirements of ICAO, which it presents to the schools.
MSTUCA - a basic higher education institution UMO (Teaching and methodical association) higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation on education in the use of space and aviation technology. The structure of the EMA 23 entered higher educational institutions of Russia and six higher educational institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which allowed the university is not just to prepare new educational standards of performance specialties, but in this work to attract leading experts from enterprises of civil aviation.
The most important aspect of the improvement at the present stage of the entire Russian education system is the transition to a radically new system of education within the framework of the third generation standards, where 50 percent of the studied disciplines determine the needs of civil aviation enterprises, that is, the employer plays an important role in the development of the main educational programs. The transition to a multilevel education system means not only a two-tier system of HE (bachelor + master, specialist), but also the creation of the necessary conditions for further research activities.
The Scientific and Educational Institute of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation is a modern form of network interaction between education, industry science, and production. Such forms of cooperation have also been implemented on the basis of branches of professional higher education in the Siberian and Southern Federal Districts. The results of such interaction can, for example, be judged by the total volume of research and development work and scientific services that are provided under contracts with organizations and enterprises of civil aviation.
The state in modern conditions imposes high requirements on the indicators that characterize the efficiency of universities. The university is constantly working to increase the quality of the recruitment of applicants, specialized and general (both for a specific specialty and for a specific airline) open days are carried out. MSTU GA employees conduct open lectures in schools. As a result of such systematic work, the interest of applicants to the university has increased significantly (despite the fact that the graduation of schoolchildren is decreasing), which affects not only the number of applications submitted, but also an increase in the average USE score. For example, over the past four years, graduation from Moscow schools has halved, while the demand for MSTU GA specialties has doubled (by the number of applications submitted).