Ivan Kozhedub. Dogfight in modernity.
Gen.-Lt. aviation
И. Kozhedub thrice Hero Soviet Union
military pilot first Class
Every time I get into the cockpit of a modern fighter jet equipped with missiles, pride for our beloved Motherland is born in my heart, gratitude to the glorious Communist Party for the care that we, the soldiers of the Land of Soviets, are surrounded with. The Soviet people, the builder of communism, have given us the most modern military equipment, weapons of unprecedented strength. Aviators, along with soldiers of other branches of the military, proudly say: "We have something to defend, and we have something to defend."
The whole history of Soviet aviation - is the story of the struggle for speed, altitude and range... Aircraft capabilities increased dramatically in the postwar period. Modern aircraft can fly at supersonic speeds and climb to great heights. The revolution in military affairs, naturally, led to a change in the tactics of the Air Force, made its own adjustments to the organization of the Air Force, and significantly influenced the nature of air combat.
Air combat in the new, changed conditions, as before, remained the main thing in the actions of fighters to combat enemy aircraft in the air, as if summarizing the efforts of the pilot and all the specialists helping him in solving the combat mission - the destruction of enemy aircraft. But his character changed with the growth of speed, altitude and armament.
It is known that the post-war period in the development of fighter aircraft, as well as all of the Air Force, as it can be divided into three stages. First one 1945-1953 years. It is characterized by a generalization of the extensive experience of the Great Patriotic War and the widespread introduction of jet aircraft. Already in 1947 year it began a massive retraining of fighter pilots on the MiG and Yak-9-15, and a little later, in the MIG-15, 15-LA and MIM 7.
The experience of combat training has shown that fighter jets can be used in single and group battles. The growth speed of flight and aircraft equipment more quick-aircraft guns have significantly changed the nature of air combat. If during the war the most effective range of opening fire with machine guns does not exceed m 150-200 now I have the opportunity to hit enemy aircraft at a much greater distance.
Expand and spatial framework of air combat. He already was carried out not only at medium altitudes, as it was during the war, but also in the stratosphere. However, the basis for the success of air combat were still honed to perfection piloting technique at all altitudes, the constant and circular diligence, courage and determination in the actions of the pilot.
Experience in managing aircraft from the ground gained during the war, is becoming more widely used. For detection and guidance have been used ground-based radars, command posts and guidance. Yet the ultimate in detection and rapprochement with the aim had visual observation.
In most cases, the land fighter output only in the search area.
In the second stage Development of the Air Force (1954-1959 years.) adopted were adopted ultra-sonic fighter equipped with radar scopes and missiles "air - air". Range missile launch, compared with a range of even large-aircraft cannons increased several times. There was a real opportunity to engage targets without seeing with the naked eye. The nature of air combat substantially changed.
What is manifested? First of all, in a significant increase in the role of the interaction between the command post with a fighter pilot. At this point, almost air combat success, or rather the approach and target detection, has become dependent on the ability to define the parameters of the command post mission objectives and a fighter, choose the most convenient in this situation tactic schedule a meeting point.
The growth rates of the flight questioned the possibility of re-attack. So, from the pilot, his ability to properly build a maneuver aiming to hold and run, to win the first attack depended on the success of the air battle.
The third stageWhich is still ongoing, it began in 1960 year. It is characterized by the further improvement of the fighting qualities of the aircraft and missile technology, more and more widespread introduction of a variety of control systems. Now aircraft fighter aircraft equipped with missiles "air-to-air," able to exercise self-intercept air targets at large distances from the protected sites. Significantly increased and the role of automated control and the importance of the first attack.
But, as practice shows, and supersonic fighters can successfully run single and group air combat, which, again retain all their basic elements.
Thus, the modern air combat - is primarily to intercept air targets, fighter executed by the automatic control system. There are also important - the suddenness of action, precision fire, which is essential to the successful completion of a mission.
In recent years, much attention is paid to the development of radio controls. This is quite a natural process. Widespread use of electronics significantly increases the reliability of the guidance and interception. But the ability to dogfight in all conditions is important in training fighter pilots.
It remains in force and the requirements of different formation flying in each pair, at each stage, and division, as well as interaction and mutual support. During the war, said the pair - the main combat unit, unit-basis order of battle. All this is true in our day. Sink front-line experience in any case impossible. Only it is necessary to take into account changes that have occurred. By definition, order of battle and air combat should be approached dialectically, and taking into account the past and present. Only when ztom can hope for success.
Modern air combat requires not only the use of radio equipment, but also increased diligence, ability to act independently of any pilot in view of the prevailing situation. However, this does not mean that in the event of a loss leader, slave acquires absolute independence. And in this case he must be aware of the general plan of the commander, to take measures to ensure to take its place in the general order of battle.
You must be able to see in battle, know where and why you are going, feel the atmosphere of the battle, its pace, and accurately fire. Without this, it is impossible to achieve victory in either single or group air combat.
Group air battles, as a rule, will be accompanied by sharp evolution, large overloads. Actually it was also during the Great Patriotic War. The group air battle was won by the one who was more organized, had better tactical and fire skills, differed in physical endurance, who could also correctly build a maneuver at large overloads, strike at the lightning speed and boldly attack, shoot accurately. This should be remembered by those who are preparing to become an air fighter, and those to whom the Motherland handed down formidable supersonic missile carriers. High morale and fighting qualities, readiness for feats must be educated in themselves every day.
In group aerial combat is particularly important in the ability of the pilot to use a complex missile and gun armament. Here, yes, indeed, and at other stages only correct assessment of the situation is necessary. We need solid and deep knowledge of military equipment and its capabilities, skill quickly switch attention from one system to another.
As already noted, the air battle - the main form of combat activity as a fighter pilot. But this has its own main thing - attack. After all, no matter how secretly operated a pilot, no matter how he schemed when approaching, victory will not be, if he fails to make a swift attack, and finishes its label and defiant blow.
What determines the success of an attack? First of all, from the perfect piloting technique. The better a pilot is in possession of an airplane in the entire range of speeds and altitudes, the more opportunities he has to defeat the enemy in air combat. Knowledge of the enemy's tactics and the strengths and weaknesses of his technology plays no less important role. Without this, a successful air battle is also unthinkable.
An excellent pilot, an expert on tactics and proved itself a master stroke on Front HSU Likhachev. Years passed, but not faded glory veteran. His acrobatics at air parade in Domodedovo differed extraordinary skill, if you will, the audacity. Veteran was awarded another Order of the Red Banner.
Audacity pilot in peaceful days we talked about this little talk unnecessarily, and, consequently, does not produce pilots of this wonderful quality of air fighter. Meanwhile, the audacity, combined with skill and has the alloy, which helps the pilot to successfully complete the air battle - to make the attack.
Many examples of intelligent audacity and initiative shown aviators on the teaching of "Dnepr". This experience should be fully put into practice training and education.
Now there is an objective process of interpenetration of modern aviation and rocketry. In the management of aircraft are increasingly used electronics and computing devices, for service received various missiles. But no matter how perfect the technology, decisive role in modern air combat, as well as during the war, It belongs to the pilot, who has learned the laws of armed struggle, who knows how to take everything from technology without a trace. The sacred duty of every aviation commander is to educate a fighter pilot as a brave and skillful air fighter, infinitely devoted to the cause of the Communist Party and the Soviet government, to the depths of their souls who hate the enemies of the Motherland of October, young engineers come to the aviation units. It's highly erudite, well Trained specialists. The level of their theoretical knowledge is much higher than that of graduates of military schools 50-ies, but we must remember that their life experience is still small. The tests that fell on the share of the pilot-soldiers, they know only from the books and stories of veterans. It is necessary that the training of young people be conducted in conditions that are as close as possible to real, combat ones. And do not be afraid of reasonable initiative, youth's insolence. Let them be. Combined with the wisdom of the elders, this will help the engineer pilots to become brave and steadfast air fighters.
During the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the aviation unit was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. Many pilot-engineers serve in it. They eagerly adopt the experience of such recognized masters of air combat as Majors S. Tsvetkov and V. Belyaev, whose military work was recently awarded the Order of the Red Star.
Modern air combat - a serious test of the moral and physical strength of the pilot. And without a high moral and psychological training of the pilot, as well as without the ability to own the weapon, you can not achieve victory in the air.
Soviet pilots are in the same battle formation with tank crews, sailors, rocket troops, representatives of the various branches of service. They kept a sharp eye on the intrigues of the imperialists, vigilantly guard the peaceful labor of the Soviet people, building a communist society, and on the orders of the motherland are ready to deal a crushing blow to any aggressor if it would encroach on the honor, freedom and independence of the socialist fatherland.
Blessed memory of I. Kozhedub dedicated ...
Aviation and astronautics. - 1968. - No. 5,10; 1969. - No. 5, 6.