Aircrew of civil aviation
Aircrew of civil aviation

Aircrew of civil aviation



The personnel hunger experienced by Russian civil aviation today is caused by many factors. But the main reason is the reduction of special educational institutions. In Russia, there are only two universities and three schools that train civil aviation pilots. This is several times less than it was at the beginning of 90. According to the airlines, for the normal operation of aviation in a year it is necessary that in the year five or six hundred new pilots are produced. Now the number of graduates is much lower. And it does not matter that the salaries of pilots in Russia are already reaching the level of the world: if there are no pilots, then there are none.


The future of civil aviation flight crews

The future of civil aviation flight crews


Feature situation lies in the fact that aircrew of civil aviation It should be formed only citizens of Russia. The requirement contained in Article 56 (point 4) of the Air Code of the Russian Federation. For security reasons, the crews of civil aircraft of the Russian Federation to include vessels of aliens is prohibited.

With staff shortages faced and abroad, but in Russia, this problem is particularly acute. An unfortunate consequence is a busy schedule aircrew and minimum time allowed for rest between flights. Sometimes, the situation looks quite creepy way: for example, some airlines the day following after a night flight, even refers to the output.

As the pilot, who had not slept the night before, to work on during the day? Unclear. Given that the civil aviation flight personnel working week and so not normalized, the output is obtained even less than the "office plankton". Flying in such conditions is extremely difficult.

aircrew of civil aviation

Aircrew of civil aviation

Abroad, the situation in general a bit better, but there have similar problems. Although, this is not to say, pilots sometimes even fall asleep during the flight. Well, at least on-board computers never sleep. In the old days, in the old aircraft, the crew consisted of 4-5 people, and in the cabin of modern ship is just two people.

According to anonymous polls conducted by the British Airline Pilots Association, half of those surveyed said they had fallen asleep in the cockpit. Swedes also complain about fatigue at the helm: a similar survey gave similar results. In general, many foreign companies practice the so-called “controlled sleep” procedure, during which one of the pilots is allowed to take a nap. Strong coffee and washing with cold water are other ways to combat sleepiness. But this, rather, only emphasizes the existence of the problem than it solves it.

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